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Khmai, Chicago’s Culinary Oasis

When, as in our case, the petite waitress welcomes you to Khmai and offers explanations on the restaurant’s extensive menu, she’ll also provide a brief …

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The Beautiful World of Kwame Brathwaite

Affirmation was photographer’s Kwame Braithwaite’s north star.  Considered one of the defining lights of the Black is Beautiful movement of the 1960s, Braithwaite used his …

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Antonio’s Song Weighs the Mantle of Fatherhood

Life changes with the birth of children.  The demands and obligations of parenthood pull us out of ourselves and force us to focus on the …

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Showcase Elevates Asian Dance Forms

In places like Chicago, dance showcases are like smorgasbords that offer more than just plenty.  Their variety encompasses the globe, reminding us of how rich …

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Mercury’s Big River Flows with Steadfast Excellence

It’s natural to recall the past while contending with the present.  Placing the two side by side adds perspective to contemporary life and allows us …

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Dancer to Dancer: Artists In Conversation About Their Craft

“I Am Deeply Rooted: Our Founders in Conversation with Cleo Parker Robinson” will kick off a spring tradition for one of Chicago’s leading dance companies. …

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Exhibits Shine from the Brilliance of Three Suns

Since hanging out its welcome sign in Lincoln Park five years ago, Wrightwood 659 has been energizing the city’s art scene with unimaginable reliability and …

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The Marcus Roberts Trio Takes Excellence to New Heights

You rarely remember musicians for their disarming charm.  But Marcus Roberts’ opening for his trio’s concert over the weekend was so winning, it heightened the …

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American Ballet Theatre Makes a Resplendent Return

It’s difficult to resist the mystique and magnetism of ballet.  The degree of physicality and control it demands of dancers places it on its own …

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