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A Fiery Birthday with the Boys

Time and a change of perspective can allow you to appreciate things you once abhorred. That maxim can be true of many things.  Music, art, …

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Double Vision Adds Richness to What a Musical Can Be

Some productions rejuvenate your appreciation for theater by stripping it down and letting you focus on its two essential parts, the story and the characters.  …

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The Virtue of a Vision

Was eating out ever just utilitarian?  Something you do to satisfy your hunger and nothing else?  If those days ever existed, they’ve gone the way …

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Joffrey Enters its Winter Season Fresh and Strong

Sometimes dance is better understood when you try to see it through the eyes of someone who designs it.  In an interview several years ago, …

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Joint Exhibition a Singular Triumph

Freedom is one of non-representational art’s most captivating attributes.  Free of geographical borders, free of national divides and often not dependent on the specifics of …

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An American in Paris for Today

Culturally, the distance between 1951 and 2020 is vast.  It’s the distance between a new born entering a world transformed from what it was nearly …

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How to Defend Yourself Radiant on Lincoln Avenue

Sometimes when the lights go down and a theater stage stirs to life, you’re carried away and dropped into lives and experiences that uniquely sharpen …

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Tantalizing Portrait of Power on Victory Garden Stage

Nancy Pelosi might be a fascination you never knew you had.  A production premiering over the weekend at Victory Gardens Theater for an abbreviated run …

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Artistic Legacy on Display at Elmhurst Art Museum

Whether they paint, sculpt, dance, write, design or work in the musical sphere, artists are remembered either for their renown or for their impact.  The …

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