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Exponentially Yes!

As maddening as life has been since March of 2020, there have also been some bright moments when the weight of these past several months …

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State of Darkness All About Discovering the Light

Stravinsky’s timeless masterpiece, Rites of Spring, opens softly as if it were just waking.  It’s a short-lived calm, soon consumed with a whirling swirl of …

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Cellar Treasures at 54 Below

News of a vaccine has given the world an encouraging glimpse to an end of this relentless wait.  Still, projections for a return to even …

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Wally World a Promising Effort

Everybody can feel it.  These last 10 months have been excruciating.  For far too many of us, staying in the game is proving so endlessly …

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One Man Christmas Carol Irresistible

The arts have a way of transforming expectations.  What’s astonishing is how well they sometimes succeed in refashioning the familiar into the spectacular and the …

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Eighth Blackbird’s J. Ivy Concert Solid Gold

Artists have a special sensitivity to life.  Their minds are like eyes that see the world a little differently than most of us.  With their …

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Love Sounds

When you listen to two people talking, and their words reveal an intimacy that goes beyond the bond of a family member or friend, who …

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Excellence Begins at 40

You can’t talk to anybody these days who isn’t looking for something to feel good about.  Lots of us are homing in on Christmas as …

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Taco Heaven

There are all kinds of exaggerations and this is one of them, Clark St. between Grand and Hubbard looks like a land mass under siege.  …

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