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Caveman Play May Be Asking the Wrong Question

Worry, concern, indeed dread about the future may be at an all time high.  From the flagging integrity of our institutions to the failing viability …

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Sometimes the Best Part of the Season Arrives in Song

Bringing the joys of superlative music to appreciative audiences for over 100 years, Chicago’s Symphony Center has long been a place to enjoy wonder.  During …

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An Ageless Beauty, The Other Cinderella Continues to Shine

Few things are quite as gratifying as an unexpected thrill.  Sitting down to this year’s production of Black Ensemble (BE) Theater’s The Other Cinderella certainly …

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A Rare and Remarkable Window into the Immigrant Experience

In today’s charged socio-political climate, who we consider an immigrant often depends on perspective.  Outlooks that are often weighted in judgment.  But an immigrant is …

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The Future of Dance? English Dance Company Charting New Horizons

After being gob smacked by the televised production of Kate Prince’s Message in a Bottle, one thing’s certain.  Dance has taken a giant leap forward …

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BTE’s Miss Bennet: Christmas at Pemberley Delivers Delight

Often, the expectations others have for us become the ones we have for ourselves. That can be problematic when those presumptions dampen the soul by …

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Shakespeare in the Caribbean, A Magical Match

An antidote to many ills, laughter can offer relief as well as joy.  It also tends to be most therapeutic and satisfying when shared with …

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Deeply Rooted Dance Theater Delivers Bountiful Fall Harvest

Kicking off this season’s Made in Chicago Dance Series Friday night at Chicago’s venerable Auditorium Theatre, Deeply Rooted Dance Theater (DRDT} proved something startling.  That …

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Eating Well in Mayberry

Something about the place seems unreal.  Too peaceful.  Too homogenous.  Too unspoiled.  All reasons why It generally rates as one of the most desirable places …

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