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Destiny of Desire Delights at the Goodman

Lots of people, when they see a soap opera coming down the road, high tail in the other direction.  It may be a personal problem.  …

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Marry Me Goosefoot

Sometimes going to a restaurant is like dating.  You go out a few times and decide, “Yeah, this could be serious”.   Goosefoot is like …

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Mix at 6 a Must

Despite it being around a couple of years now, Harris Theater’s Mix at Six doesn’t seem to have been fully discovered yet.  If it had, …

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High Thai Invades Evanston

    Evanston’s restaurant scene sometimes seems as fluid as Manhattan’s with its constant flow of what’s hot and what’s not. Billing itself as an …

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Booty Candy Slams

Booty Candy, the play, is probably exactly what you think it is; a sexually infused theatrical force.   Booty Candy, the object, will likely not be …

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Disappointing Queen

Sometimes you wonder how an idea flowers into a premiere.  Victory Gardens production of Queen left a number of us in the audience pondering that …

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Ada St. One Year Later

Leaving Ada St. after dinner a year ago, chef Joanna Stachon could claim rock star status as far as I was concerned. Her food was …

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A Wonder for My Soul – So Soul

  Black men have been paying homage to black women artistically for years and in more ways than the obvious.  Langston Hughes’ Not Without Laughter, …

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Gloria – Bald Ambition Goes on Trial

  Live long enough and there’s no telling what you might see.  Watching the Goodman’s wonderful production of Branden Jacobs-Jenkins Gloria, you’d never guess the …

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