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Time to Get Ready: Revisiting Courage Through the Lens of Maria Varela

About to fold camp in one of city’s many unheralded treasures, the Civil Rights Photography of Maria Varela has a mere four weeks left at …

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Neo-Futurist’s Face/Off A Mind Blower

Creating something new and different has been consuming a big chunk of the Neo-Futurists’ mission for decades.  But something’s changed.  Somebody pushed a button and …

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Murakami Exhibit Majestic at MCA

  Very few people would likely think of the word “power” when considering the work of Takasi Murakami.  This is the man whose renown is …

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5 Rabanitos – Consistent Excellence in PIlsen

Dangerously habit forming for someone who lives eight blocks from the Evanston border, 5 Rabanitos is still a craving that can’t be denied.  With enough …

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Ronero – Another West Loop Winner

It’s only been open 6 months so the fact that the name isn’t well known shouldn’t be surprising.  Billing itself as pan-Latin and taking up …

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Objects in the Mirror – An Indisputable Marvel

Flipping through the playbill and seeing that the subject matter dealt with refugees, my only hope was that Objects in the Mirror not be cheesy.  …

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Valerie June’s The Order of Time – Perfect Combination of Style and Substance

Even combing through her profiles on line, it’s still very hard to get a bead on how Valerie June became the performer she is.  Having …

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Everyman Oasis in the Sky: The Grande Luxe Cafe

Thwarted from going to Robert’s Pizza and getting a little intimate with their highly-touted crust because the restaurant doesn’t open until 5; my surprise was …

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Fat Rice – Gold in the Hinterlands

Fear of beef, pork and salt kept me out of Fat Rice for years.  Finally, curiosity got the best of dietary concerns and we were …

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