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High Harmony When West Meets East

With its startling ability to change shape, color and texture, music is a lot like an octopus or squid.  And, as we heard Tuesday night …

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Stefani Prime Italian – Attractive and Uneven

Sitting on a site that’s been vacant for years, Lincolnwood’s new Stefani Prime Italian is undoubtedly a welcome addition to the neighborhood. With its sleek …

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A Monday and Friday at the Green Mill

Who knows exactly how long Patricia Barber, the gifted and eclectic jazz pianist, has been doing her Monday night gig at the quietly legendary Green …

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Lettie – The High Cost of Second Chances

By allowing us to better understand others, theater helps us understand ourselves.  Lettie, a play that quickly draws you in and keeps your curiosity stimulated …

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Pisolino – It’s That Good

Sometimes Check Please comes through in a big way and introduces you to a restaurant that lives up to the all the gushing.  Sitting flush …

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Eclipse’s Natural Affection Solid Through and Through

Opening its new season with William Inge’s Natural Affection, Eclipse Theatre reintroduces us to the bold brilliance of one of the country’s most intrepid playwrights. …

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An Enemy of the People Questions the Value of the Truth

Something about the Goodman’s production of An Enemy of the People seems as intent on exposing the cost of extreme naiveté as it is to …

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Finally. Boka!

We expected a level of affectation.  Some kind of reputational gloat. Both were completely not present.  Everything at Boka was unassuming and regular.  Busy night, …

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Howardena Pindell Exhibit, What Remains to be Seen, Sumptuous and Expansive – Thank You MCA

No matter how much you read about an artist or see representations of their art online or in print, you can never fully comprehend the …

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