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Joffrey’s Midsummer Night’s Dream Turns Matchless Dance into Phenomenal Theater

Swedish choreographer Alexander Ekman seems hardwired never to limit his imagination.  His drive to test the elasticity of dance’s boundaries may have been awakened in …

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Drury Lane’s Guys and Dolls a Royal Flush

Few musicals can claim as convoluted a backstory as Guys and Dolls.   It’s songs were created before its story.  Its plot grew out of a …

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ALL-NEW AILEY an Explosion of Exemplary Dance

For the 55 years Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre (AAADT) has been returning to the Auditorium to share its unique contributions to the arts community, …

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Look Closer at Rhapsody Gives New Luster to Magic’s Glow

Wonder, surprise, incredulity, excitement, joy.  Maybe a rush of adrenaline.  They’re all the things you’d hope to find in a magician worth his or her …

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Giordano Dance Chicago Raises the Bar in Unlimited

Some things, no matter how wonderful, seem to only get better over time.  Giordano Dance Chicago (GDC), with 61 years of formidable dance legacy under …

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The Choir of Man Takes Theater to New Heights

Unless you’re English, just the term “choir of man” may sound a little perplexing. More than likely, your mind will race to spiritual or religious …

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Bill W. and Dr. Bob Chronicles the Birth of a Pivotal Movement

What does it mean to be extraordinary?  After meeting Bill Wilson, a New York stockbroker in the late 1920s, neither he nor the life he …

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Remy Bumppo’s Love Song Takes a Fresh Look at What Makes the World Go ‘Round

In 2006, right after seeing John Kolvenbach’s Love Song in London, Marti Lyons immediately bought the script in the theater’s lobby.   Monday, after experiencing Remy …

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CRYSTAL Moves Cirque du Soleil’s Excellence to the Ice

Cirque du Soleil’s recent visit to the NOW Arena in Hoffman Estates proves the entertainment colossus hasn’t the slightest interest in resting on its many …

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