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Rendezvousing with Explorer – The Flight

When boarding takes place in cities whose renown rests in a storied history, adventure or exoticism, many cruise lines will offer excursions that brings travelers …

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Is High End Cruising for You?

The age of elegant cruising when women hopped on board beautiful ocean liners with ten steamer trunks stuffed with gowns and men never went to …

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Restaurant Week 2019 Winners

Few probably look at Restaurant Week like a marathon.  But once you’re in the throes of it, you feel an urge to push your limits …

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Exquisite Undesirables

The great museums of the world also function as incredible and vast store houses.  The amount of art that rests in the possession of some …

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Yoko – Zuna’s Voyager Worth the Ride

Sometimes when music so completely reflects the world we live in through sound, it can leave us a little baffled.  And because Yoko – Zuna …

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Giant Stands Up to the Test

After reading John Kessler’s explosive Chicago Magazine article about the waning “mojo” of the city’s dining scene, you can’t help but reassess your own views …

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The Great (Art) Migration

Driven by need or opportunity, people have been packing up and leaving long established digs to find brighter futures elsewhere for millennia.  Most of these …

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A & A Ballet’s Art Deco Nutcracker Finds Perfect Balance of Charm and Polish

  Created from a Russian fairy tale and set to music by Tchaikovsky in the early 1890’s, the indispensable Christmas classic, The Nutcracker, wasn’t performed …

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Rewards of Struggle Honored in Eclipse Inge Production

Eclipse Theater ends its season of William Inge with perhaps the playwright’s barest and most personal work; a rework of his first professional play with …

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