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Lyric’s Barber of Seville Deals in Delight

Opening night at the opera remains a striking occasion.  The red carpet, the gowns, the heart racing energy flowing through the nearly 4000 people assembled …

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From Here to There a Capsule of Wonder

The arts have a way of remaining transcendent even when they indulge in the specific.  The four artists currently on display in the Spertus Institute’s …

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Get Out Thrills the Auditorium

Who wouldn’t want to see a masterpiece in a masterpiece?  The prospect had movie goers streaming into The Auditorium Saturday night to see Jordan Peele’s …

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Creative Riches at Harvest Dance Festival

It’s surprising what can result from realized passions. For the past ten years, Melissa Mallinson and Nicole Gifford have pooled their creative energy to build …

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Crawl and Discover

Approach matters when it comes to a restaurant crawl.  Now in its eighth year, the Wicker Park-Bucktown Fall Dinner Crawl can consider itself a veteran …

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Modernist Elegance Celebrated in McCormick House

We often forget, especially when considering a single individual, that genius can have many dimensions.  Although Chicago can boast of being home to some of …

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Popular Jazz Radio Host Retires

Jazz lovers have long memories and pride themselves on their loyalty to trusted music resources.  That dedication explains why the Jazz Showcase was bulging at …

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Evanston Ramen Hero: Table to Stix

Why ramen?  It’s just broth, noodles and toppings, so what’s the fuss?  Fortunately, more of us are discovering the irresistible appeal of one of Japan’s …

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MCA Neeson Stage Overflows with Black Creativity

Whether it’s on a wall or on a stage, altering expectations of what creative imagination can look like is what contemporary art is all about.  …

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