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Subtext’s New Play Exposes and Celebrates the Malleability of Love

For many, the world Qualia envisions was first glimpsed in Cormac McCarthy’s seminal novel, The Road, a haunting tale of a man and his son …

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Wrightwood 659’s Chryssa & New York Revives Neglected Greatness

For full impact, viewing art will always be a “live, up-close and personal” kind of activity.  Pictures just don’t offer the benefit of scale and …

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Court Theatre Powerfully Recalls a Hero and His Movement

The acquisition of fame and notoriety may indeed be gifts from the stars; a matter of destiny where personal exceptionalism inevitably leads to broad recognition.  …

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Driehaus Museum’s New Exhibit Awash in Rare and Precious Jewelry with a Chicago Pedigree

The desire to embellish or accentuate the body with jewelry extends deep into our ancestral past.  According to a 2021 article by Sarah Cascone in …

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The Singularity Play Peers into a Dystopic Techno Driven Future

The monumental strike that brought Hollywood to a standstill for much of the latter part of last year stayed front of mind during The Singularity …

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On the Question of Immigration, English Lets Courage and Sacrifice Lead

Frustration and anger can fuel beautiful art that sheds essential insight on the world and the people who inhabit it.  Sanaz Toossi’s, English, now on …

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Hubbard Street’s Spring Program Dusts Brilliant Dance with Va Va Voom!

Sometimes walking out of a dance concert leaves you feeling as if dancers are divinely endowed creatures with natures, qualities and abilities that set them …

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Sisters Struggling to be Sisters Dominate Into The Earth with You at BTE

Psychological trauma in family’s holds a macabre fascination.  By definition painful and lingering, it attracts and retains our interest because we never know its depth …

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Using Art to Relive History in the Nation’s Capitol

Two arts institutions housed under the same roof in Washington DC have complementary missions.  One tells the story of America by focusing on the “people …

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