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Dining on the Curb: Mango Pickle

Soul satisfying comfort pretty much sums up what you’re getting in that brown paper bag restaurants are using for food pick-up and delivery these days. …

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Food Adventures of a More Pressing Kind

Cream rises to the top and so do exceptional kids. GoodKids, MadCity had originally come together to help stem the relentless gun violence terrorizing their …

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From the Concert Hall to the Couch

Music lovers may be keenly feeling the loss of live sounds; but as we all know, it’s the musicians who are suffering the full brunt …

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Making Your Gratitude Real

The impact of the coronavirus continues to reach deep into our lives and remind us of our common vulnerability.  Gov. Pritzker’s recent declaration of a …

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Dance in the Age of Pandemic

Even in a pandemic, dancers can’t and don’t stop dancing.  Respected and inventive Cerqua Rivera Dance Theatre graciously tacked up a Youtube video in late …

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Hands That Feed Us Now Need a Shoulder to Lean On

The restaurant industry in the US is one of the hardest hit as the world fights to dull the exponential consequences of the coronavirus.  Nationally, …

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Day of Absence, Refreshed and Brilliant at VG

When Douglas Turner Ward wrote his pioneering one act play, Day of Absence, in 1965; he had a very clear intent.  He wanted to write …

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Ailey Revealed Delivers Constancy and Surprises

Dance excellence is something you can always expect with the Ailey company, or, to use its formal name, the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater.  But …

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The Heart of a Dancer

We don’t choose our passions.  In many ways, they choose us.  The call to dance may be considered enigmatic; but it’s certainly powerful.  As one …

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