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Disney’s Hamilton Masterfully Gilds the Lily

Disney may have hit the motherlode when it bought the film rights to Hamilton for $75 million, but both theater lovers and film buffs are …

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Curator’s Vision Glows at MCA

The personality of one-time-only art exhibits and the feel of a traveling exhibit can vary so wildly, it’s startling.  Both can either showcase the creative …

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Mama Got a Cough – Splendid

In theater, there aren’t many things as enthralling as the unmistakable sound of reality. It startles to you to alertness and makes your ears perk …

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Live Jazz Rising

Stirring back to life, Chicago’s jazz scene is taking careful and cautious steps to regain its former strength and vigor.  It doesn’t look like it’s …

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Mi Tocaya – The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

Mi Tocaya Antojeria made such a splash when it opened three years ago, there was hardly a drop of water left in the pool.  And …

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Magic to the Rescue

Passing down a craft, a sustaining livelihood, from generation to generation may be a fading phenomenon, but Dennis Watkins never misses an opportunity to thank …

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Midnight Diner Tokyo Stories, Classic Storytelling at its Best

Finding something small and quiet and intelligent that outshines just about everything else in its orbit is no small triumph.  Which may be why some …

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Virtual Play/Actual Breakthrough : State vs. Natasha Banina

Artists can create under nearly any circumstance.  Still, the constraints facing them these last few months have pushed them to their limit.  Given the rigidity …

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Ballet at Home in the Heat of Protest

On the surface, few things could seem as removed from one another as what we understand classical dance to be and the tumultuous demands for …

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