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Lose Your Cares at the Cabaret

Kiki & Herb, the sensational renegade cabaret act that broke up for 8 years before reuniting briefly in 2016, make the kind of entertainment that …

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“News” that Makes You Smile When it Bites

The Totally Fake Latino News with Culture Clash may be wrapping up its virtual run with the La Jolla Playhouse soon so this would be …

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Changing the Definition of Live Theater

Visionaries see an obstacle and innovate around it.  Two of them in the theater world, Igor Golyak and Wang Chong, show how it’s done.  Both …

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Battery Dance Festival 2020 – Where the Whole World Dances

The silver lining encircling the world’s current health emergency may be whisper thin, but it does exist and reveals itself in the most unlikely ways.  …

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Photographic Windfall Captures Chicago’s Soul

With the eyes of the world looking so anxiously toward the future, a chance to catch some telling glimpses of the past can prove surprisingly …

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Goosefoot – Culinary Super Hero

Five months into a health crisis that’s reshaped the quality of life around the world and the dining scene still isn’t looking the best.   Restaurants …

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Black is King’s True Beauty is in the Message

With the torrent of the love raining on Beyoncé’s latest triumph, Black is King, few linger on the message filling nearly every minute of her …

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Dance for Life 2020 Lifts Off August 10th

Dance for Life, Chicago’s annual blowout dance extravaganza, was conceived by Chicago Dancers United (CDU) nearly three decades ago in the wake of another frightful …

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Sondheim Tribute a Musical Lovefest

Have you ever thought you had a fair understanding of something only to find out there was a huge gap in your knowledge bank? A …

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