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Netflix’s Move Shows Dance Expanding

You don’t ordinarily think of dancers as inspiring but Netflix’s new five- part series Move will make you reconsider.  The show travels the world and …

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Jose James, Finally!

There was a natural bond there somewhere. And it was probably in the voice.  They both have that kind of rolling soothing tenor that wraps …

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Luzzo in I Used to Write Left Handed - image courtesy of New City Stage

Real Stories Make Great Theater

According to Collaboractions, a Chicago theatrical cooperative intent on making art for and by everyday people, “theater permeates all aspects of life”.  You can nudge …

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Malangatana’s Artistic Messages Startling and Wonderful

“People are selfish.”  Malangatana Ngwenya used that phrase repeatedly in a film, Homeland, about his life and work a few years before he died in …

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Bravo to The Neo-Futurists and Their Great Reveal

It can be maddening to realize how much you don’t know.  It can also be just as liberating to have knowledge gaps you weren’t even …

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Goodman Project Shows the Fight Continues

In Goodman’s Theater’s traveling performance of Fannie Lou Hamer, Speak On It!, E. Faye Butler blows in like a hurricane when she takes the stage …

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Jazz Big and Small

Here in the states, the Monterey Jazz Festival (MJF) rates as one of America’s oldest and most loved music events around.  Held on 20 acres …

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For the Love of Lyric a Musical Stunner

Chance encounters can remind you of things you’ve lost.   They can also seem like gifts. One of those chance finds, For the Love of Lyric, …

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Wrightwood 659 Showcases Visionary Architect

We’re accustomed to seeing distinguished architecture in a certain way.  Generally, when we think of award winning buildings, we envision something gleaming, sleek and soaring.  …

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