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The Splendor of Monet Stays Through June

How much do artist’s paint their feelings as well as what they see?  It’s a question we rarely ask ourselves when we go to an …

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A Chicago Salute to the Lunar New Year

Exact numbers vary, but there are well over a billion people around the world who celebrate the Lunar New Year.  China’s so identified with the …

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Theatre for One: Court’s Intimate Micro Treasures

Theater for One: Here We Are is a lot more than you think.  A concept that flew into New Yorker Christine Jones’ mind after attending …

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Tarrey Torae: Empress of Love (Songs)

Artists nurturing artists is a phenomenon that may extend as far back as the first cave painters.  And it likely includes those early humans who …

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A van Gogh Explosion Shakes Up the Windy City

You don’t ordinarily think of an art event as bracing but that’s the first impression you get when you walk into Immersive van Gogh; a …

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The Spellbinding Voices of Dance

Despite being born and raised in the country’s second largest city, Lar Lubovitch, one of Chicago’s most esteemed dancer/choreographers, grew up in a desert.  “Growing …

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Omnium Circus: The World of Wonder that Welcomes All

The virtual universe keeps expanding as more and more entertainment forms continue to find refuge in the cloud.  Fully appreciating dance and theater in such …

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Hothouse Meets Havana – Delectable Music Odyssey

With the latest change in America’s Executive Office, the United States assumes a new, much more cosmopolitan stance in the world. Hothouse’s 4-day musical extravaganza …

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Some (Special) Old Black Man

Until you understand its context within the play, you might consider the title both unimaginative and disparaging.   In that sense, Some Old Black Man sets …

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