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Ayanna Woods Closes Out Eighth Blackbird’s Sterling Live Streaming Series

As we move further and further away from the isolating days of the Covid-driven lockdown, the more likely we are to forget some of the …

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The Wide World of Chicago Comics at MCA

Confusing cartoons and comics should probably be expected.  The first are supposed to be funny.  But even though humor is synonymous with the word “comic”, …

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Eighth Blackbird Concert Threads Nature into Music

In music, like any other creative medium, imagination can obliterate pre-conceived notions of the possible.  Through its series of live streamed concerts that were created …

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A Bracing and Brilliant Look at the Sinking of the Titantic

Commenting on a segment about modern air travel, a television news host recently stated that although she was not afraid of death, she did not …

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Beautifully Resurrecting Balanchine

June 2021 has the world, at least the western world, sitting on a cusp as we move from isolation to reopening.  Restaurants may be filling …

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Enter Dining Life Again Through the Patio

Simplicity may not always be considered a selling point when it comes to restaurants.  Which is why it’s good to remember that elegance and simplicity …

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Dance and Theater Excellence During Asian Pacific American Heritage Month

Celebrating Asian Pacific American heritage this May took on special significance in light of what’s been filling the headlines over the past year.  Asian Americans …

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A Musical Oasis called Half Gringa

Through its production arm Chicago Artists Workshop (CAW), Eighth Blackbird has been providing local artists a platform to showcase their work by hosting live performance …

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Riches Abound in Yannis Tsarouchis Retrospective: Dancing in Real Life

Since its opening in 2018, the Lincoln Park art gallery Wrightwood 659 has consistently presented exhibitions that expand the city’s exposure to exceptional art.  Although …

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