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Becoming Santa Claus a Rare Holiday Treat

There seem to be as many ways to revel in the holiday spirit as there are stars in the cosmos.  Millions of people stoke their …

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Trail of Christmas Splendor

Some things appeal to all of us in a primal basic way.  Water, fire, and light all have the power to draw us to them …

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Cirque’s Wholesome and Hip Twas the Night Before….

Outstanding entertainment has been Cirque du Soliel’s trademark since they went big time in the late 1980’s with their We Reinvent the Circus tour in …

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Barbara Kruger’s Inescapable Allure

Being beautiful is not the goal of conceptual art.  Its purpose is to make a point and engage your mind as well as your eye.  …

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Sister Act Explodes with Delight

The New York Post’s Elisabeth Vincentelli summed it up perfectly when she said, “Big glitzy numbers are the toast of Broadway musicals.  The only thing …

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Unthinkable Realities Imagined in Definition Theatre’s America v.2.1

Stacey Rose’s latest play, America v.2.1 hits you like a blow out of nowhere, leaves you disoriented and keeps you incredulous; especially through the entirety …

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Extraordinary Music Pioneer Celebrated at SAI

Using photography, videos, rare poster art, walls of album covers and music, Chicago’s South Asia Institute (SAI) has mounted an exquisite retrospective on one of …

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Omakase at Kai Zan

Being quarantined at home months on end can leave you craving the oddest things.  Even things you’ve never experienced; like omakase.  You might remember those …

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Illuminate a Glimpse into Giordano Dance Chicago’s Future?

Dance has been bubbling back to the surface for a few months now but there was something about Giordano Dance Chicago’s (GDC) Illuminate performance October …

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