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The Chevalier Resurrects Forgotten Greatness

According to writer and director Bill Barclay, he was consciously trying to right a wrong when he conceived and created, The Chevalier.  The wrong was …

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Father and Son Healing in the Great Outdoors

Adult children venting to their parents about how they were mistreated growing up seems to have become a thing on stage as well as on …

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The Price of Different in Early Hollywood

Windy City Playhouse’s look back on the life and career of Ramon Novarro, a mega star of 1920’s Hollywood who’s best remembered today for the …

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Lemon a Tempting Taste of Mubi’s Wares

Sometimes, what’s in your wallet has a way of defining your entertainment options.  When a pandemic further constrains where you can go for a little …

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Film Immortalizes a Jazz Genius

Dour seems a fitting description of Chicago’s cultural scene these days.  More and more theatrical productions are postponing performances.  Museums are open but there a …

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A Shaky World Rolls Out the Red Carpet to 2022 with Light

Even young kids can’t wait until they’re old enough to stay up ‘til midnight and usher in the new year.  Unfortunately, this year the world …

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Artistic Truth Sayer, Robert Colescott at the Cultural Center

The world is full of superheroes.  People who either save lives or make lives more bearable and better by following their calling.  Artists stand in …

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Let There Be Flavor!

One of the things that can happen when you’re surrounded by an ocean of choices is that you can overlook the obvious.  This can be …

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Dishwasher Dreams Locks Down Wonderful

One man shows always seem to be such acts of daring.  How can one person not just keep the attention of an audience for an …

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