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Swing State – Theater at its Best

The first thing you’re reminded of in Swing State, the quietly sensational Rebecca Gilman play now running at the Goodman, is that few things are …

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The First Homosexuals & Celestial Stage Energize Chicago’s Arts Landscape

Consider the two new exhibitions featured in Lincoln Park’s Wrightwood 659 like a fine dining experience.  Something that’s best appreciated unrushed and with a receptive …

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The Beauty of Diwali Lights the Harris Stage

When people leave their original homeland, they take pieces of it with them.  Not all reminders of what they left are tangibles that you can …

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Tiger Style! Unfurls the Joy of Telling Your Own Story

You need a minute to unpack all the messages in Tiger Style!  Essentially a story about self-discovery, it’s rare this kind of journey to self-knowledge …

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Festival Reveals the Possibilities of Dance

Sometimes it’s just good to tap into origins.  To connect to how something began before it explodes and flowers into something grand.  Harvest Chicago Contemporary …

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Find Redemption and Sweet Laughs at Clyde’s

Clyde’s, that wild masterpiece garnering nightly standing ovations at the Goodman Theatre, is one of those stories you didn’t know you were waiting a life …

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Kyiv City Ballet Conquers Chicago

War and upheaval walk together hand in hand.  And it’s not uncommon for them to find you completely unprepared.  In February, Ukrainians had already been …

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The Success of Opposites – Waffle House and Dasha Barbours Southern Bistro

What we know of as the South is as much an attitude as it is anything else.  It’s a way of looking at the world, …

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Irrepressible and Matchless – The Chicago Jazz Festival

If you’ve been around long enough to remember the shock of 9/11, you recall; and may still recoil at, how much things changed in its …

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