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Mercury Concert Bursting in Wonderment

It’s hard to imagine a world without music.  We run to it for too many reasons not to recognize its influence in and on our …

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Play Discloses the Cost of Surviving at the Bottom

No matter how universal a story is, place can be as important as the story’s people.   Caryl Churchill’s Fen takes us to a part of …

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An Orchid Avalanche in Glencoe

Orchids.  When did they capture our attention and eventually take their place as one of the most desired flowers in the world?  Questions like that …

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Resurrecting Greatness at the Goodman

In the 1920s, there wasn’t a lot of “if you can dream it, you can be it” going around.  Boxes defining what people could do …

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An Opera That Tells the Gospel Truth

It’s not unusual for it to take a pretty massive overhaul to make something old new again.  In the world of opera, a recent reinterpretation …

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Exchanging Snow Shovels for Palm Trees

During the first few days on the Hawaiian Islands, you don’t notice it’s prevalence.  After that, you feel as if you’ve encountered it at least …

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Step Afrika! – Another Way to Say Wow!

Not familiar with step?  Don’t despair.  Even people who’ve seen it performed may not have realized it had a name.  A dance form that took …

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The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas Turns Up the Heat and the Laughter

There are worse ways to spend a cold January night in Chicago than catching a hot little musical bubbling with sex.  The Best Little Whorehouse …

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Ringing in the New Year with Culinary Entrepreneurs

It may not be the most original way to bring in the new year, but spending it at one of your favorite restaurants has its …

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