Theater-Food-Music in Chicago

True Serenity within Striking Distance – The Anderson Japanese Gardens

A 90-minute car ride due north will land you in one of the most beautiful landscapes in North America.  According to its promotional literature, the Anderson Japanese Gardens on the southern outskirts of Rockford, is also rated one of the continent’s highest quality Japanese gardens.

Main Gate

Many may be familiar with smaller versions of Japan’s landscape aesthetic that places so much emphasize on serenity and contemplation.  Previous experiences with more compact gardens like the Japanese garden in Jackson Park won’t prepare you for the depth of experience the Rockford gardens achieve.  Rambling over twelve acres, every perspective in every direction is one of composed tranquility.

West Waterfall

From our western outlook, nature’s untouched qualities define the height of what is natural.  In eastern cultures, an opposite reality exists that believes nature can be enhanced by the touch of man.  “From groundbreaking to today, the placement of every rock, alignment of every tree and layout of all paths has followed the careful planning and vision” of the architect, a Hiroshima survivor.

Hoichi Kurisu, Architect

Inspired by trips to Japan and most notably by visits to the renowned Portland Japanese Garden, venture capitalist John Anderson determined to bring the timeless beauty of a classic Japanese garden literally to his back yard.  Commissioning Hoichi Kurisu to lead the project in 1978, the landscape architect who designed the Portland gardens, Anderson was insuring that the same resplendence graced the Rockford project in addition to keeping the core contemplative objectives totally intact.

Both gardens are twelve acres in scale and both reflect Mr. Kurisu’s belief that “to understand nature is to understand the universe”.


On a summer day in August, the Rockford gardens are meticulous and lush with a hundred shades of green, occasional splashes of dramatic color, koi laden pools, and populated with structures and sculptures modeled from the 16th century.  There’s ample opportunity to pause, to sit and to absorb the beauty before you and use it to nourish your spirit.

Garden of Reflection

Highlights include the stunning West waterfall, the beautiful Pond Strolling Garden and a captivating Garden of Reflection.  Powerfully pristine, each proves the restorative properties of nature are real.


The garden’s visitor center houses a small quality focused gift shop and Fresco, an excellent dining option.



Anderson Japanese Gardens

318 Spring Creek Road

Rockford, IL  61107


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